Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds featured image -
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Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds Review: Sweet, Sour, and DELICIOUS!

Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds is the newest flavor from Crumbl Cookies and it’s delicious! I was sent a box of these cookies to review, so I put them on my desk for my coworkers to try out.

All of us tried these delicious treats together, and we all had different opinions about them. Some said they were too sweet, while others said they were just right.

My initial impressions

With the Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds, I was initially impressed by how much thought went into their packaging.

The box is bright and pink, and it has a great design that fits well with the flavor of the cookies. I also liked how they included a top layer of Nerds to go along with your cookies!

When I first tried these delicious treats, I was surprised at how sweet they were. If you’re looking for something on the sweeter side, then this is definitely for you!

Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds overhead view -

The pink color comes from strawberry flavoring mixed in with vanilla Crumbl cookie dough (made from flour and butter), which makes for one tasty treat when combined with sour lime for extra zinginess.

The texture reminds me of homemade sugar cookies coming straight out of the oven—it’s soft enough to bite into easily but not so soft that it falls apart when held in your hand like some other brands tend to do (you know who we mean!).

It tastes very similar as well: creamy yet tart enough where there’s still some crunch left over from eating them fresh out of the oven…and no need refrigerate after too long either way because these babies are good anytime!

Sweet and lemony flavors blended perfectly

The lemon flavor is not too overpowering, which is nice because the fruity strawberry frosting is already very sweet. The lemon flavor also adds a wonderful dimension to the Crumbl cookies.

Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds in my hands -

It’s subtle, but it’s there if you pay attention to it.

I love how this dessert has several layers of flavor: first the Crumbl cookies, then the creamy strawberry frosting (which tastes like fresh strawberries), and then finally this tart citrus kick at the end.

It makes for an explosion of different sensations in your mouth when you eat it!

A lemon kick to it inside the frosting!

The lemon flavor in this cookie cup is subtle but noticeable.

The lemon kick hits you right after tasting the strawberry flavor, and it’s a perfect complement to this sweet treat.

The lemon flavor is not overpowering, which makes sense because it’s only one of many flavors being used in the frosting.

I also enjoyed that there were crumbs of Nerds on top of each cookie. It helps make them look more appetizing and fun to eat!

Super creamy strawberry frosting that’s not too sweet: I like it!

I love the frosting.

It’s super creamy and not too sweet, which is perfect because there are already plenty of other sweets in this delight!

Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds close up side view -

Like I said, the strawberry flavor is really nice as well—it tastes like fresh strawberries instead of artificial flavoring or strawberry extract, which can sometimes have a weird chemical-y taste to it.

The texture of this frosting was also very smooth and not too thick at all.

The frosting base made up most of the texture profile, but there were still little bits of Nerds here and there that were pretty fun to eat because they had more texture than just plain vanilla cream does (it’s hard to explain!).

And I wasn’t expecting any textures from the frosting itself and I was right. Crumbl Cookie did a great job at perfectly smoothing out the frosting completely.

But, if you look closely enough at the photos above you can see some little flecks in places where there might be something else mixed into it besides just vanilla, strawberries, and lemon!

Overall I enjoyed eating Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds because it was sweet but not overly so; sour but not too much; AND DELICIOUS!

The cookie to frosting ratio is excellent with a generous amount of frosting

Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds is a tasty treat that you won’t want to miss.

The cookie-to-frosting ratio is excellent, with a generous amount of frosting (and it’s not too sweet!).

The cookie was soft and flavorful, while the frosting was creamy and delicious.

The bottom cookie had a nice texture to it, not too crunchy, just soft and firm

The bottom cookie had a nice texture to it, not too crunchy, just soft and firm.

Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds break apart view -

The cookie wasn’t hard like those sugar cookies that can break your teeth on them.

But the cookie was soft enough that it didn’t break apart in your mouth.

The Nerds candy added so much of a sweet crunch

The cookie dough is sweet, the limeade is sour, and the Nerds add a nice crunchy texture. It’s not overpowering at all. The candy comes in the right size so it’s not too small or too big.

Crumbl cookies strawberry limeade with nerds toppings view -

The Nerds candy is basically tiny little balls of sugar, but they don’t taste like it.

If you’ve never had Nerds before, then this is a good way to try them out because they’re not too sweet or sour. The cookie dough is sweet, the limeade is sour, and the Nerds add a nice crunchy texture.

It’s not overpowering at all.

Would I recommend this?

  • Are you a fan of sweet and sour desserts?
  • Do you like cookies?
  • Do you like Nerds, or any other kind of candy that tastes like citrus?

If yes to all three questions, then yes, I would recommend this!

The Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds is a delicious treat that has all the crunchiness and flavor of a good cookie.

It’s not too sweet, but still very satisfying.

You can really taste the lime in the frosting.

And let’s be honest—Nerds are just fun to eat!

They don’t need to be in your food for it to taste better (in fact, they might even distract from some flavors).

Regardless, this cookie contains lemon flavor which is quite strong on its own without being overwhelmed by sugar or anything else added into it by another ingredient (like Nerds).

Many children would love this because it tastes good without being overpowering at first bite: no one will get sick from eating too much at once because there isn’t enough sugar present here either!

My takeaway

In conclusion, I really liked the Crumbl Cookies Strawberry Limeade with Nerds.

It was sweet and sour at the same time. There was a slight tartness to it that worked well with the sweet frosting and cookie base.

The crunch from the candy added a nice contrast to all that sweetness without being overwhelming. Overall, this new flavor is definitely one of my favorites!

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